Monday, February 25, 2013

#2 Echidna Knight

Sir Thon Pokels
      Here stands the noble Echidknight of the Nine Needles, Sir Thon Pokels, surveying the great kingdom that he protects with the help of his magical golden sword.  His steady demeanor and equally steady hand have helped the Knights of the Needle get through many a tight spot during his time among them.  None doubt his prowess, or his cuteness.
     This weeks Draw Crawl assignment was an Echidna Knight, a complex mixture of warrior and cutie pie.  If you like this and wanna see more, stay tuned for more random drawings from two artists who pick every week from the MIGHTY GRAB BAG OF DOOM!  Eh, its not as scary as you'd think, but still pretty scary

1 comment:

  1. Great design, man. I like the pattern on his cloak, as well as the sillohuete of the town/castle behind him. Reminds me a bit of Secret of Kells, but that ain't a bad thing! Also, love the color choice.
